Email mkt campaign for cross selling



Email mkt campaign for cross selling
Email Marketing


How many times have you placed an order at McDonald’s and been asked, “Do you want fries with that?” That’s a classic example of cross-selling. With Email Marketing Campaigns, the same technique can be used in online businesses.

McKinsey & Company reports that cross-selling can boost sales and profits by up to 20% and 30%, respectively.

Cross-selling can go above and beyond in an E-commerce business. As part of your Email Marketing strategy, you can run an Email Marketing Campaign for cross-selling for your E-commerce Business.

A cross-sell email marketing campaign enables you to recommend or sell related products, also known as cross-sell products, to existing or prospective customers. Most likely it’s the existing customers because you’ve built the trust with them and they are most likely to purchase from you again. You can also recommend appropriate products based on previous customer purchases. These emails successfully convert prospects into returning customers.

Cross-sell email marketing campaign messages in an e-commerce business allow you to reach out to a visitor or customer long after they’ve left your store. Cross-sell emails are typically sent immediately after a customer leaves your store, regardless of whether or not they made a purchase.


1. Encourages repeat purchases – your most valuable asset is your current customers. You should think about them first. Repeat customers are 67% more likely to spend than new customers.

2. Loyalty and personalization – The ability to recommend the right products is critical to the effectiveness of the cross-selling strategy. You need to know what your customer likes based on previous purchases for this. Additionally, when recommending your products in emails, personalize your messaging. Personalization nurtures brand loyalty by demonstrating to customers that you understand their needs. It is not a sales approach.

3. Increases Customer Life Value (CLV) – CLV is the most valuable asset a brand or e-commerce business can receive from a loyal customer. CLV serves as an excellent gauge of the depth of your relationships with your current customers by estimating the revenue each customer will bring to your brand throughout their relationship.

Cross-sell emails help in increasing the average order value. When used correctly, it increases your revenue. In the long run, cross-selling emails increase customer lifetime value. For example, an e-commerce store may offer monthly subscriptions on products, and then, before their customers’ monthly subscription items expire, they may send out cross-sell email Campaigns to entice them to return. They can also suggest a few related products that existing customers can add to their monthly orders. In the short term, this can increase their average order value. In the long run, cross-selling emails increase customer lifetime value.


1) Cross-sell emails are typically brief – The goal is to increase your ROI. Highlight the product that a customer is considering purchasing or has already purchased. Begin by reminding your customer of previous purchases. If the cross-sell is attached to an abandoned cart email, you can also remind the prospect of the product they left in their cart.

2) Provide a few related or complementary products – This is the most important part of your email where you offer your customers additional products. Recommend products that are complementary to the items they brought. Make sure to only include a few items. You won’t overwhelm them this way.

3) Make it a series of emails rather than a one-time email – You may need to do follow-ups to increase the effectiveness of your campaign. You can send cross-sell emails at predetermined intervals by using an e-commerce marketing automation tool.


1. Create intriguing subject lines – If your cross-sell email isn’t opened, you’re not going to sell anything. As a result, keep your subject lines short and sweet.

• Include an emoji.

• When writing emails, use personalization.

• Provide an answer to the question, “What’s in it for them?”

2. Create engaging preheaders– A preheader is a short piece of text that appears next to the subject line in your email inbox.

• For example, • Problem – Solution • Story • Offer • Promise

The goal is to persuade your recipient to open your email.

3. Include social proof – You want your customer to feel more confident in their decision. As a result, make sure your email copy includes social proof.

4. Give them a reason to act right away, such as Do you have a clearance sale going on? Offer a limited number of products or a discount code that will expire. Show scarcity to get them to act now.

5. Provide a strong guarantee, similar to what Amazon does with Amazon Prime. Can you guarantee a quick shopping experience? Can you provide a money-back guarantee? Your goal is to remove as much risk from your customers as possible, making it difficult for them to say no.

Email marketing can help you nurture and deepen your customer relationships. However, cross-sell emails give your campaign a boost. These emails encourage repeat purchases, foster loyalty through personalization, and ultimately increase a customer’s lifetime value (CLV).

These emails can be included in the majority of your regular email campaigns. This includes emails such as welcome, abandoned cart, order confirmation, and thank-you.

With this information, you should be able to launch a successful cross-selling email marketing strategy for your Online store.

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